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Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I advertise at Bahay.ph?
How much does it cost to register as an agent at bahay.ph?
How much does it cost to post properties at bahay.ph?
How do I post my property?
How do I add photos of my property in my property listing?
Can I edit my listings?
have more questions and it is not in this FAQ, who can I contact?

Why should I advertise at Bahay.ph?

Bahay.ph is one of the most visited real estate listing sites in the Philippines! We consistently appear within the first 2 pages of the major search engines. We are also the most cost effective site to post real estate ads in the internet. Other sites will charge you a monthly fee, or ask for a commission in sales. We offer our services for free, with no strings attached!

How much does it cost to register as an agent at bahay.ph?

Agent registration at bahay.ph is FREE! All you have to do is register by clicking the ?SIGN-UP (be a bahay.ph agent)? link and fill out the necessary fields and you are ready to go!

How much does it cost to post properties at bahay.ph?

You can post as many listings as you want under your account for FREE.

How do I post my property?

After you log in, you will be taken to your control panel. Simply click the ?ADD & EDIT LISTING" link at the upper menu bar. You will be taken to the listing control panel. Click ?add a listing? and you will be taken to the listing editor. Fill up the form and click ?Insert Listing?. Your property is now online!

How do I add photos of my property in my property listing?

You can add photos by clicking on the photo icon on your property listing in the add & edit listing menu. You can upload as many photos as you want per listing.

Can I edit my listings?

Yes! Just click the edit link next to the listing on your listing control panel.

have more questions and it is not in this FAQ, who can I contact?

You may call our office at (+63) 914-1318 or email us at [email protected]


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